Benefits and Goals of our S.T.E.M. program

1. Improve creativity.

It can be said that creativity is thinking out of the box. STEM students try to come up with unique ideas while solving complex problems with an interdisciplinary approach. They develop this skill with inspiration from their teammates. Thus, it encourages kids to explore new things, use their imagination and build their inventions.

2. Increase team collaboration.

Collaboration skills are the ability to work together for common goals. It is one of the vital points for STEM education, and our is prepared to encourage teamwork. In this way, kids will develop their communication and leadership skills.

3. Develop communication skills.

Communication skills are perhaps the most important of all life skills. Because communication brings about listening, friendliness, open-mindedness, they will give and receive feedback effectively.

4. Empower critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking leads to finding solutions to problems. Students learn how to break down a problem into smaller parts and solve step by step. Besides, critical thinking is essential to improvement at workplaces.

5. Boost curiosity.

STEM students will be good at asking great questions. Curious students drive innovations and discoveries that they research.

 6. Improve cognitive skills.

Cognitive skills are brain-based skills that enhance thinking, reading, and learning. Our STEM students will learn the basics of coding, mathematics, and other sciences. This approach helps kids’ cognitive development. For instance, they will be able to solve problems more quickly than their peers.

7. Explore STEM careers in early ages.

STEM education nurtures students for the future to include the basis of innovation, science, and technology. So, students will grow up with 21st-century skills.

8. Learn how to take the initiative.

STEM contributes to the growth of individuals who are curious, confident, and get better at dealing with challenges. They can design their projects to solve the problems.

9. Enhance media literacy.

Unlike classroom curriculums that sometimes bore kids, our STEM students will learn by hands-on research and inquiry. Inquiry requires students to engage in active learning by generating their driving questions and seeking out answers. So, they can apply what they have learned in daily life.

10. Boost social-emotional learning (SEL).

Social-emotional abilities bring about happiness and success in life. Our STEM education will encourage children to improve their SEL skills before becoming active members of society. Aside from personal development, including SEL strategies in teaching methods will empower student’s desire to learn more academically.

