General Public

On Friday, September 11, 2020, Carlos West of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity Inc., called out members of his own fraternity to help save our kids. He implored members of every Black Greek-letter organization to do more to help with what is going on in our communities. Carlos expressed, “After going to a blood drive with Illinois State Representative La Shawn Ford, I began to reflect on the state of our community. The shooting of a female mail carrier delivering mail happened one day prior. I just became sick to my stomach.

The problem, in my opinion, is that many of us seem to be afraid to go into our neighborhoods. If we are afraid to go into our own neighborhoods to make real change, how can we expect help and support from others? I believe God told me to go to that corner.” Carlos then expressed in his very passionate video that “we”, all members of the Devine 9 are the problem.

He then said what has become our motto here at ONE TEAM ONE PLAN ONE BRAND. “GET THE HELL OUT AND GET IN THESE STREETS”. He has as of October 2020 220,000 views without any kind of platform. He called for every organization to own NOT using their platforms to make real change. Pro athletes are now using their platforms. Actors in Hollywood are using their platforms. We can do the same.

The masses of us are not in any kind of organized entity. We do have platforms, however. Most of us have social media. If just 100 people use their online “clout”, imagine how we can help our own communities. Now multiply that 1000 fold.

We cannot be afraid to help our own people. We cannot be too busy to give time, effort, and just a little financial help to others that need it. This is why ONE TEAM ONE PLAN ONE BRAND was created. Let’s make real change and not paper change. By paper change, we mean to do something just to say that we did it. If our kids don’t get the help they need, the next unnecessary shooting could be someone that you know. It could be someone that I know. We need everyone to help. Our future is at stake.
